

This body of work shines a quiet spotlight on the awkward age of transition from childhood to adulthood.

While this should be a carefree and uninhibited time, modern cultures often and unfairly leave one burdened with self-doubts concerning body image, sexuality, intelligence, social etiquette, acceptance – just to name a few.

The works explore these learned insecurities with compassion and, at times, with a bit of humor.

My work has been described as narrative portraiture. Each work functions as a story, but one that changes with every viewer.

The series explores emotions, ranging from the extremes of joy and loss to the gentler zones of contentment and restlessness.

Many of the pieces in this series begin with a monotype. Onto this monotype, using collage, I add other hand-pulled prints such as etchings, linocuts, collagraphs, digital prints, and so on. Further enrichment may include drawing and hand-coloring.


This series explores passion, perseverance and resiliency as one is confronted with doubt, defenselessness and/or insecurity. The works capture how these precise moments of intensity may look and feel from an outsider’s point of view.

The works explore varying degrees of tension, desire and sensitivity found in life. The pieces feature intriguing, possibly vulnerable, figures surrounded by a myriad of color and textures. These concepts represent an observable harmony and beauty that may blanket a complex emotion.


This series began as a look into the effects of a mobile lifestyle on our society.

How does being part this shifting society alter one’s state of mind and well-being? How much emotional baggage does it create? What defines “home”? How important is it to put down roots?

Modern day situations often have one packing up to leave comfortable, safe surroundings in order to pursue change, growth, adventure and opportunity.  

There is also reflection upon loss.


The works in this series delve into the difference between being alone and being lonely.

The settings are very personal if not always private. The emphasis is on exploring the psyche and capturing the sensitivities of each figure. Is the person searching and grateful for the solitude, is he/she waiting on another to show or has his/her companion just left?

The physical attributes may look the same, but the emotional ramifications are vastly different.


The emotions in facial expression and body position are as endless as they are complex and beautiful.

These intricacies are what I strive to capture with brushwork, palette, line and texture.